Net Neutrality for all! Except those we don't like....
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Net Neutrality Supporters Want to ‘Ban Drudge’

    Advocates for 'free and open Internet' picket outside FCC

    Alt-left advocates for net neutrality, who say they want a "free and open internet," want to ban the Drudge Report.

    Organizers of the campaign "Protect Our Internet" are connected to, which features several members of the antifascist (antifa) campaign.

    Protect Our Internet claims its mission is to "keep the internet vibrant, free and equal."

    The campaign also claims net neutrality rules are "protecting our freedom to use the internet!"

    A report released this week found that net neutrality regulations lead to higher internet prices for consumers and less innovation.