LXLE 16.04.2 next point release ????
  • I have seen on the internet that soon Ubuntu gets to the 16.04.2 point release soon. Will LXLE follow the same path? If so what happens to an installation with 16.04.1 version, will it automatically be upgraded and also get the 4.8 kernel?
  • Reading this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2016-November/000215.html
    I used the following command : sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge and I have now my LXLE 16.04-1 working nicely with 4.8.0-34 kernel
    jcglt@jcglt-laptop:~$ uname -r

  • I have done this, it works well. I think that LXLE is even running / booting about 15% faster now. Also I installed Gnome software and this utility runs at least t3 times as fast now
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    i'm not sure if an hwe kernel would be a good idea for lxle and or older computers given drivers/support for older hardware being dropped frequently by new kernel releases.