Hi from a vintage new user
  • Hello!

    I'm one of the ancients that started using computers when they looked like black and white sci fi cardboard boxes with whirling tapes and flashing lights, so in theory I should be happy using a terminal, but over the years Windows has made me lazy.
    I have had a quick try at a few Linux dispos over the last few years as I really wanted to wave goodbye to Microsoft (afterall I was using computers before Microsoft and Apple...).
    But I found them disappointing, it's one thing for an oldie to need to cope with a steep learning curve but I found them more like mountaineering without a rope.
    I put a Samsung NC10 Netbook out to grass, but thought it might still have a use so looked around and thought Lxle might be a good bet.  WOW! I'm truely convinced, faster, neater, more attractive than XP.  Now going to try the 64 bit version on my new laptop.
    What I found impressive is being able to download it (had to try a few times to get a good copy downloaded), stick it in my netbook and everything worked - even plugging it into a TV! Wifi printer no problem either.  Great range of applications that make it complete.
    I have a lot to learn, I am still struggling with a few issues - such as getting a proxy to work and of course Netflix, (I need the proxy so I can see US Netflix as I am currently in Austria and speak very little German). So I'll be popping over to the appropriate places on the forum for help.
    What I would appreciate is advice about a very simple ... no a very-very simple basic guide. As enthusiasts with experience Linux forum users seem to anticipate knowledge of things that are strange to the new commer.
    I'm looking forward to stretching my grey matter to keep my brain working!

  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    Welcome! ~ Sorry I missed this when 1st posted.

    Is all well with your setup and how do you like the Linux experience?