old windows user
  • CydCCydC
    PMPosts: 7
    Hi! I've always been a big fan of linux and opensource but always had to deal with windows in the workplace. But, now, that's not an issue so I'm converting everything to linux.

    I think LXLE is great. It's "windowsy" enough to be usable, right out of the box, and "linuxy" enough to have some fun with.

    For ex-windows users, I have two suggestions -

    1) Use a flash drive or other external storage for whatever you generate, initially. Or, just get into that habit, generally. That way, you can  play all you want with your new linux system and simply reinstall if you "break" it in a manner that makes fixing it "too much". Installation is so easy that doing this is just common sense. So, rather than risk a failure to back up, just get into the habit of simply keeping your work on another drive.

    Which brings us to #2 -

    2) keep a record of your tweaks - for instance, "sudo ufw enable" to activate the uncomplicated firewall and - for fans of Gibson Research's "Shields Up" who just want to "PASS" - "dropping ping requests" - as well as how to get your display resolution to stay where you want it, how to get and configure all of the applications you've installed etc..

    Reinstalling in this manner - as opposed to "backing up" your hardware image is good, for many reasons. It keeps you from getting lazy with your computer skills and allows you to avoid bloat from abandoned installations. It keeps everything simpler.

    The point of linux is to take control of a device that sits in your home and basically records your personal activities. That's something YOU should control, not hardware manufacturers or Microsoft or Apple. There's not a lot you can do about hardware, other than use older hardware that predates the ability to store so much memory in such a small space and/or thoroughly destroy or keep physical possession of the hardware you use but there ARE things you can do about some of what Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla and Google get up to.

    Most people aren't doing things that they want to keep secret, but, at the same time, anybody who thinks they have a right to know what you're doing deserves to be blocked, if not just plain slapped. Because THAT information, regardless of how harmless it is, IS A COMMODITY - and NOBODY should be allowed to simply take it from whomever they like and use it to make money for themselves.

    Every person who uses the internet could be a party to a class-action suit against Google. Every dime they make is being made using YOUR information and they have a thousand ways to TAKE it FROM you, without so much as a thank you.

    OK - I'm off my soapbox - LXLE is great and that BountySource thing is just brilliant and I'll definitely be donating when I get it into my budget.

    One thing - I really like the LXLE splash screen background and want to use it as my wallpaper - it's gotta be in here SOMEwhere, right? ROFL!