torrent downloads

  • To whom it may concern:

    RE:     torrent


    I really like what I've seen here the past year or so, even thinking about making LXLE my primary system,..................................but...................

    Why can I not download it via torrent? I have looked over LXLE homepage, download section, and sourceforge page for a torrent. I see no reference to torrent downloads anywhere.

    Please don't fall into the same problem "MOST" distro's suffer from, lack of updated information.

    So I'm presently downloading via sourceforge which is showing me a 2 hour arrival time.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    I had torrents set up for a long time. People couldn't stop complaining over it, so I removed them completely.

  • @lxle,

    Well thanks for the quick reply, that certainly answers my question.

    Glad to see you've climbed quite a way up the DistroWatch ladder.


  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    ehh, I didn't climb distrowatch, the credit is Linux as a whole, Lubuntu, Ubuntu, LXDE, Debian, FSF, etc etc....  Perhaps I have a decent 'recipe' at the moment. For that I am grateful as I haven't been told I'm crazy or wrong about my distribution ideas in a long time now. :)
    Thanked by 1ProSoundGuy
  • My Sourceforge download took forever too.  But I'm extremely pleased with the OS.  Worth the wait!!!
  • I just installed it on a Compaq laptop, I'm going to use it in the field to keep track of time and things on projects in the field. It's working great and running very very fast for an AMD Vision. I hope LanShop stays around. It's really handy for me now!
    Self Proclaimed LXLE Nut! My fastest box running LXLE is an 8 core i7 and my slowest is a P3 Dell. Lovin every minute of it!

    HAK something!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    does the new one run on the p3?