
LXLE Releases 14.04 64bit & 12.04.4 32bit (revisited)

First I would like to say that this release would not have been possible without the excellent user community effort that arrived to help by lending their time and knowledge, after the very bumpy beta debut. Thanks to all of you.

Team members also deserve recognition for tolerating difficulties with the beta and internal frustrations that needed to be addressed. Kudos. Now on with the release notes.

Notable Features

  • LXLE acronym change, originally 'Lubuntu eXtra Life Extension' which made sense before Lubuntu had an official LTS release, since 14.04 however, LXLE will now adopt the nomenclature 'LXDE eXtra Luxury Edition' and we think this release doubles down on that.
  • To better support 32bit hardware we updated 12.04.4 to be virtually identical to LXLE 14.04 64bit release including features, updated software and system components.
  • PCManFM additions such as open directories and text as root, create shortcuts, rename base icon names, copy to folder, right click desktop trash to empty, etc provided by MadeBits.
  • Software additions and replacements have been addressed in both releases equally.
  • File Roller swapped for xArchiver, less dependencies and fast. Education gained Anki (study/memory) and Marble (globe). Games section slimmed to maintain ISO file size.
  • Gpicview was replaced by Mirage to offer more features like cropping, resizing, etc, to avoid always using Gimp.
  • Arista transcoder replaced Winff to provide easier video conversions and XFburn takes over for Brasero, an ISO file size decision AS opposed to 'better'.

Team favorite additions include updated panel trash, brightness controls for stubborn laptops, trash and battery reported via Conky , utilization of PCManFM's built in 'App Finder', and TLP power management enabled by default.

The ISO file size remained virtually the same and the system footprint at idle is pretty slim.

As with any distro release nothing is bug free, we hope we came close and it runs you well.


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What others are saying

Tried many distros and am very impressed with LXLE. Will use LXLE even if I buy a new laptop with the latest system resources. Great work done by LXLE team. ~LinuxNovice

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